Special Events

“Esseneto’s Triumph” in the
Valley of the Temples

The beautiful green scenery of the Valley of the Temples of Agrigento will be the backdrop to a spectacular historical reconstruction celebrating the centenary anniversary of the foundation of the City of the Temples: 26 centuries ago, in 582 B.C., Greek colonists from Gela and Rodi  founded what was to become the powerful city of Akragas on these fertile slopes. At the 92nd Olympic Games held in 412 B.C. the great athlete Esseneto won the main event  (“stadion”) which brought glory not only to himself but also to his hometown Akragas and the entire Greek colony. On 6-7 October 2018 his triumphal return to Akragas will be recalled thanks to the joint initiative of the Parco Archeologico della Valle dei Templi Promoting body of the event, and Associazione Culturale PastActivity: various moments of ‘living history’ will be staged. Furthermore, numerous educational laboratories will be open for active participation: rituals, cooking, banquets, sports and games, military training and other experiences. The detailed program is as follows:

Saturday 6 October 15.00-20.00 the historical camp located in the area of the Temple of Zeus will be open to visitors for ‘living history’, educational laboratories, historical reconstruction, sports and games.

Sunday 7 October 9.30-14.00 the historical camp located in the area of the Temple of Zeus will be open to visitors for ‘living history’, educational laboratories, historical reconstruction, sports and games. 14.30-17.30 staging of “Esseneto’s Triumphal Return” along the Via Sacra and Cardo I. Participation is free: on Saturday 6 participants will only be required to pay the regular entrance ticket to the Valley of the Temples and on Sunday 7 entrance to the Valley is free, as the first Sunday of every month. Participants are invited to access the Valley at the main entrances “Tempio di Giunone” and/or “Porta V”. For further information, please consult the Facebook page or the website www.pastactivity.it

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